Resources for churches

  • Applying for an Internship Grant

    Pacific Open Bible would like to see at least 25 of our healthy, growing churches providing well-prepared internships, and we would like to partner with our churches to provide each of those interns a stipend, allowing them to give of more of their time to the church and to learning about ministry. 

    Pacific Open Bible will provide up to $1000 per intern in matching funds for a summer internship in one of our Open Bible churches. To apply for the grant:

    1. Complete the course, "Developing an Internship Program." See below on this page for instructions
    2. Create an internship job description. You can find a guide for that HERE.
    3. Apply for the internship grant by clicking HERE


  • Developing an internship program

    Our Church internships done well can be a valuable source of training and discipleship for those who want to further develop their understanding of the inner workings of ministry in the local church. This course shares the insights from two of our pastors who have a long record of an effective internship program in their church. Our hope is that it will provide you both inspiration and resources to consider starting an internship in your own ministry.

    There are three videos with accompanying notes and sample resources followed by some questions that will hopefully help you consider how to take your next step. 

    You can access this course through the Discover Ministry School learning portal called "Moodle." Create an account on the Discover Moodle site for free HERE by clicking "Log in" in the top right corner and follow the steps where it says, "Is this your first time here?" And then you can enroll in the course "Developing a Church Internship Program." There is no charge for this course. 

  • Administrative Resources

    Church Planting:

    Church Name Change Process - Find the steps to change the church name HERE

    Open Bible Manual The Open Bible Churches Manual is a compendium of our governing documents: Statement of Faith, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and Official Statements. The manual also contains Covenants of Ethics for ministers and church governing boards, church bylaws models, and other information about our association.

  • ACTS Endowed scholarship fund

    Pacific Open Bible serves as custodian of a new endowment fund called “ACTS.” The acronym stands for Alumni Centennial Trust Scholarships. This is to honor the upcoming 100 year anniversary of our first Open Bible ministry training school, and it will provide scholarships to those students in our movement who are training to serve as ministers in Open Bible churches. For more information and to learn how to be involved, click below


  • Message of the Open Bible

    This is Open Bible's online magazine that tells the beautiful story of God's work throughout Open Bible.

  • Helpful Websites

    Bless Every Home - A fantastic online tool to help you and your congregation map out your neighborhoods and pray for your neighbors.

    Relevant Magazine - Life, God, Culture & Current Events

    YouVersion - an excellent Bible app which includes reading plans

    Bible Gateway - Online Bible with virtually every translation in most languages

    Life Journal - an excellent tool by Wayne Cordeiro for daily devotions - Outreach products, banners, print materials, etc.

  • Staff Compensation Guide

    Here you will find resources to help navigate pastor and staff salaries.


    Thanks to Josh Grimes and Open Bible East for putting these together!

  • Worship resources from Thrive21 Conference

    5 Elements of a Complete Worship Band - Nathan Smith

    10 things Killing Your Live-Stream - Nathan Smith

    Building Joyful Community in Worship and Tech Teams - Nathan Smith