Minister's Compensation Guidance

Are you adequately supporting your Pastor & staff? What is fair compensation? We hope this resource will provide some objective perspective and tools to help you answer these questions.


Below are some additional resources to help.

Thank you so much for taking a look and interest in paying your pastor well. We have included several different resources that we have found best to help church boards pay their pastor appropriately. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.  


2019 Guidelines for Local Church Personnel and Search Committees for Authorized Ministers and Professional Expense Reimbursement- Presented by the Clergy Leadership Development Ministry Council of the MACUCC (Very easy and middle of the road) 

Link Here


Lifeway Compensation Study- This will give you some great insight. LINK HERE and they have also provided an accompanying "Compensation Planning Guide":    Link Here


Pastor Salary Guidelines from Everance. They have an online or paper copy that helps when considering education and other important factors.


If you go to the link you can also download the paper copies if you want. (Best option)



We believe option 3 to be the best and most accurate compensation guide, however, there is value in all three. The best advice I can give is to pay your pastor well, err on the side of generosity. Of course, this will need to be in line with what the church can afford. Ultimately your pastor should be able to live comfortably in the community he is serving. These guides above will give you, a compensation committee,  and/or the governing church board a good overview of things to consider when compensating your pastor.

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