Resources for Pastors

  • Emotional/Spiritual Health


    • Leadership Webinar: “Leadership in a Rapidly Changing World” with Tod Bolsinger, was fantastic! You can access the recorded conversation HERE

    RECOMMENDED CARE PRACTICES FOR PASTORS - In addition to a pastor’s personal spiritual disciplines, we offer this model as practices to consider for Pacific Open Bible churches

    SABBATICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHURCHES - We encourage all of our churches to build sabbaticals for your pastors in as a normal policy for your church. 

    Why You Shouldn't Quit the Ministry Right Now Even Though You Feel Like it - by Carey Nieuwhof.  2020 has been tough, but Carey Nieuwhof gives some counsel about the reasons not to give up, and ends the article with three ways to stay encouraged. 

  • how to increase giving in your local church

    David Bennett, CEO of Expand Financial Group and Financial Coach to the region, gave us this one hour seminar full of practical help to be better stewards of the mission and vision God has entrusted to us. You can find the video HERE

    and you can find the notes HERE

  • Pastor Learning Communities

    Pastor Learning Communities are groups of 5-6 pastors (or pastor couples) who gather once a week for 6 weeks to discuss a book together. This is for lead pastors and staff pastors. The purpose is twofold:

    1. To continue to develop in our ministry and spiritual life.
    2. To build community with fellow Open Bible pastors for mutual encouragement, support and prayer. We will all be going through the same book at the same time!

  • Helful Websites & Podcasts

    Our Latest Regional Update - Step Bible is a free online bible with connected original language links, dictionaries, commentaries, and more. An excellent study resource, originally by Tyndale house. There is an app available, but at this time the online version - even from a phone - is more versatile than the app. 

     iDisciple - Church resources, articles, videos, sermons from leaders such as Andy Stanley, Tony Evans, Louie Giglio. Accounts are free for pastors.

     Life Church Resources - Leadership Training from Craig Groeschel as well as unlimited access to 50,000 resources like sermons, graphics, transcripts, kids lessons, worship songs, videos, and the entire two-year Bible App for Kids Curriculum package.

     Preach2Engage - Free monthly sermon outlines with full media elements.

     The Arda (Association of Religious Data Archives): At your fingertips, a wealth of demographic information about church affiliation and more in your city.

    American Values Atlas - Excellent Demographics information

    Thrive Leadership Podcast - interviews with diverse leaders in the church, Christian and business world. Hosted by Ray Johnston of Bayside church. 

    Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast - Carey is a pastor, a former attorney and church futurist with a passion to help church leaders excel. 

    Thoughts on the Holy Spirit - an article from the hearts of Lisa and Chris Hansler

    Pastoral Transitions - a website with ideas and resources when considering a succession plan or pastoral transition.

  • applying for ministry credentials

    If you are sensing the call to ministry and you would like to become a part of the Open Bible family, here are the steps to becoming credentialed:  (The full process can be found at the Open Bible website HERE)

    1. Click the link below and complete the “Get Acquainted” form


    2. Once the “Get Acquainted” form has been submitted, you will receive an email with a link to the full application.  You will need the following information to upload with the application:

    • Recent photo
    • Transcripts
    • Chronological Ministry Resume
    • Contact Information for References (email addresses) – references should include your senior pastor, current or former employer, and denominational official if you are/or have been credentialed with another denomination
    • Social Security Number for the beneficiary of the Life Benefit Plan
    • INS documents for you and/or your spouse if either of you were born outside of the United States
    3. Orientation Videos: You will be asked to watch nine videos (each 20 minutes or shorter) followed by a few verification questions

    4. Doctrine Exam: You will receive a link to access the Doctrine Exam.  The purpose of this exam is to verify your doctrinal alignment with Open Bible. The exam consists of 21 multiple choice questions and 8 short answer essay questions over 12 topics.  The Doctrine Exam is required for all applicants.

    5. Interview:  An interview will be scheduled for you with the Credential Committee

    6. Approval Process: If your application, references, exams and interview are favorable, the Pacific Region Board of Directors will recommend the approval of your credential to the National Board of Ordination.  


  • Care4Pastors

    Resources, Sermons, Articles and a free Pastoral Care Line staffed with professional, trained counselors - all designed to support pastors and their families. Click the Icon to access the website.

  • Ministers' Housing Allowance

    The IRS provides a tax break for credentialed ministers called the "Minister's Housing allowance." This tax benefit has the potential to save all credentialed pastors on federal, state and local taxes by designating an approved portion of your ministerial income as housing. Many tax-preparers are unfamiliar with the unique tax status of a licensed minister so we encourage you to explore this resource to see how it can benefit you. It also includes the sample text to be included in board minutes.


  • open bible giving expectations

    As a partner in the mission of Open Bible Churches, ministers and churches agree to financially contribute. In this document you will find the expectations for giving for an Open Bible credentialed minister and for Open Bible churches. You can find that document here:

    Open Bible Giving Expectations

  • Practical articles for pastors